Payday follows the fortunes of the emerging generation. Each episode takes place in a different city and follows four people. In this season, we visit Memphis, Reno, Salt Lake City, Baltimore, Fort McMurray, Houston, Toronto and Oakland.
Follow 20-somethings over the course of a single pay-period to see how they spend, struggle and thrive.
To accompany and suit the harsh financial realities that the series showcases, we designed a crisp and bold show package with an opening that lands with weight.
Payday follows the fortunes of the emerging generation. Each episode takes place in a different city and follows four people. In this season, we visit Memphis, Reno, Salt Lake City, Baltimore, Fort McMurray, Houston, Toronto and Oakland.
Follow 20-somethings over the course of a single pay-period to see how they spend, struggle and thrive.
To accompany and suit the harsh financial realities that the series showcases, we designed a crisp and bold show package with an opening that lands with weight.